Best known for his published works and being the owner of Delta Trading Group, Dr. Clifford Vance Cast is an intelligent man with a way of making complex ideas seem simple. He is a go-getter that won’t wait for someone else to get the job done. Fighting against injustices and bullying in the financial world, Dr. Clifford Vance Cast is adamant about using his talents to help others.


It can be said that to learn about a man, one must go back to the beginning. Clifford Vance Cast was born in Tucson, Arizona. His mother was a stenographer for the mayor of Tucson and also an NRA gun safety instructor. His father was in the air force as a Titan II missile man, and then continued his career as a mechanic and inventor.

At a young age, he was accepted into a special gifted school. Being a part of this school caused him to get picked on by the kids attending a regular school. To battle against this, he spent much of his time fighting. He fought to defend himself and the other students in the gifted program that were being bullied. On top of never doing homework, he found himself often kicked out of school for getting in trouble.

These years created defining moments in his life. Dr. Clifford Vance Cast lives his life defending against predators and he is especially determined to remove bullies wherever he can. In fact, one of the reasons he went into business was to protect others from predators in the financial industry.
